Are you a farmer or rancher who is ready to make your business more rewarding?

Colorado State University Extension in El Paso County is announcing the application window is open for the course farmers and ranchers request most — The Colorado Building Farmers and Ranchers Program. Our priority is to make this program accessible to all who would benefit from the value of these classes; therefore, CSU Extension in El Paso County is offering the program through an online format for famers and ranchers in El Paso County or any other Colorado county.

The classes will be held Wednesday evenings 6 – 8:30 p.m., Jan. 12 – March 2, 2022. If you are interested in the Colorado Building Farmers and Ranchers Program you can receive additional information or fill out an application at applications are due by Monday, Dec. 27, 2021. If you are accepted into the program you will be notified via email and you will need to complete your register no later than Friday, Jan. 7, 2022.

The Colorado Building Farmers and Ranchers Program is a non-credit series of classes focusing on the steps to help farmers and ranchers develop a business plan and to provide insight into how to identify and manage business risks specific to farmers and ranchers. The course begins with creating a vision or mission statement, developing short- and long-term goals and instruction on how to perform a strength/weakness/opportunity/threat (SWOT) analysis which helps to identify a potential marketing niche, customer base, etc. During our eight weeks together, participants will also develop a strategic marketing plan to include product, pricing, placement and promotion goals and strategies, while identifying customers, costs, and competition. We will also address a variety of current risk topics including setting up an appropriate business structure; thinking about insurance for a farm business; planning for and responding to emergency situations; and recent changes in Colorado labor law and their impact on agriculture. We will round out the education you receive with understanding the importance of recordkeeping for decision making in business planning and how to use those records in your business decisions. Lastly, you will have the opportunity to present your business plan and receive feedback. Following the presentation of your business plan, you will receive a certificate of completion for the Colorado Building Farmers and Ranchers Program.

If you would like more information regarding the Colorado Building Farmers and Ranchers program in hybrid or in-person formats, please visit


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