CSU Wheat Planting Decisions Webinar

Colorado State University, the Crop Testing Program, and CSU Extension are inviting wheat growers to the Annual Wheat Planting Decision Webinar. The meeting will be live-online on August 18 at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom, and will be recorded and posted to YouTube on the CSU Extension channel. This meeting will offer growers insights into the highest yielding varieties in the 2021 CSU Uniform Variety Performance Trials and Collaborative On-Farm Tests.

Growers looking to increase yield and decrease risk will want to plant the best possible wheat variety this fall for top yields next summer. CSU Extension Specialist Jerry Johnson and Research Agronomist Sally Jones-Diamond will present the CSU Uniform Wheat Variety and COFT results for 2021 and variety recommendation. Esten Mason, CSU wheat breeder, will talk about new varieties and releases, important traits, and new developments in the wheat breeding program at CSU. The Colorado Seed Growers Association Director, Laura Pottorff, will present on the availability and values of certified wheat seed and the Plant Variety Protection Act.

Wheat growers will have first-hand information on current and new varieties, their resistant to drought and tolerance to diseases. This meeting is a great opportunity to ask the experts any questions on the CoAXium System, solid and semi-solid stem wheat varieties or other issues affecting wheat production in Colorado.

For more information on the meeting and to register (free to attend), please visit or


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