EPA proposes new atrazine restrictions

The EPA is proposing several label changes to atrazine products designed to reduce runoff of the herbicide from farm fields.

National Corn Growers Association President Chris Edington, an Iowa farmer, said, “We are disappointed by EPA’s decision. We can feed and fuel the world and fight climate change, but we can’t do these things without modern farming tools, and atrazine is a tool that is critical to our work.”

“The new labeling requirements will impose arduous new restrictions and mitigation measures on the herbicide, limiting how much of the product farmers use,” Edington said.

The latest development marks a step backward in EPA’s commitment to transparency and the use of the best available science, Edgington said. However, he noted that EPA listened to growers’ requests and agreed to additional scientific review.

The proposed regulation is open for comment for 60 days.


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