Farm groups praise stay on farm labor rule

The American Farm Bureau Federation and the International Fresh Produce Association last week praised a preliminary injunction by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi barring the Department of Labor from enforcing its Worker Protection Rule extending unionization rights to H-2A visa holders.
American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall said, “Farmers appreciate the dedicated men and women who choose to work on their farms, and they take seriously the responsibility of ensuring a safe workplace.”
“Farm Bureau agrees that workers should be treated fairly and respectfully. We also believe fairness to farmers is important and the DOL rule was overly broad to the point of being unlawful,” Duvall said.
“We appreciate that the court recognized the overreach of the rule. We urge the DOL to go back to the drawing board and engage with H-2A employers to better understand the impact more regulations will have on the men and women who work to ensure America’s families have food on the table.”
“This ruling is a victory for farmers and the agricultural community nationwide,” said International Fresh Produce Association CEO Cathy Burns.
“The stay prevents a regulatory overreach that would increase costs and inefficiencies while imposing unconstitutional restrictions on employers. By granting this relief, the court ensures that farmers can focus on producing the fresh fruits and vegetables our communities depend on to live healthful lives.”
IFPA said it continues to pursue a final decision declaring the rule and its requirements unenforceable, while advocating for policies that support the agricultural sector and ensure a balanced regulatory approach.
“This decision is a major step toward safeguarding the economic stability of our agricultural community and upholding the integrity of the legal framework governing labor protections,” said IFPA U.S. Director of Government Relations John Hollay.
“On behalf of our producers and industry — and all of the consumers and families who depend on American-grown food — we will continue this legal battle seeking a final judgment that these unlawful and unconstitutional amendments cannot be enforced anywhere in the U.S.”