Groups unveil Protein PACT

Twelve organizations representing farmers and companies who make the vast majority of America’s meat, poultry, and dairy, as well as animal feed and ingredients, on Monday unveiled the Protein PACT for the People, Animals, and Climate of Tomorrow.

The groups said the Protein PACT is “the first joint initiative of its kind designed to accelerate momentum and verify progress toward global sustainable development goals across all animal protein sectors.”

The Protein PACT has been submitted to the UN Food Systems Summit as a sustainability game changer, and sustainable livestock and poultry production will be featured in a side event at the upcoming Food Systems Summit ministerial in Rome on Tuesday, July 27.

Alongside the debut of the Protein PACT, the North American Meat Institute released its draft sustainability framework and is soliciting public comments to inform the organization’s efforts to set transparent baselines and measure progress toward ambitious sustainability goals.

Interested stakeholders can learn more about the Protein PACT and submit feedback on the Meat Institute’s draft sustainability framework through the Protein PACT website.

The Protein PACT is partially funded by U.S. farmers and ranchers, including with support from the pork, dairy, and soybean checkoffs.


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