Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board offers resources to producers facing delayed or prevented planting
LINCOLN, Neb. – Our hearts are with those growers in Nebraska whom have experienced the detrimental effects of flooding and suboptimal moisture conditions. We are proud of the countless acts of heroism displayed between neighbors, both locally and from far away. We are truly Nebraska Strong.
Looking ahead, many producers may be searching for alternative cropping solutions as result of the impacts of this series of unprecedented events.
In an effort to help growers mitigate potential losses caused by delayed and prevented plantings, we are sharing with you the Sorghum Planting Guide. Of particular interest is Figure 1 on page 30, which notes that sorghum is ideally planted in Nebraska between May 1 and June 25. A link to that guide can be found here:
Further benefits to producers in regard to planting sorghum acres in 2019 include a lower cost of seed and production relative to other commodities (average of $14.25 per acre), water conservation, improvement benefits to soil health, and diminished demand on the producer as it relates to crop management. A seed cost comparison (non state specific) is included as a reference guide.
In addition, producers should know the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board and the United Sorghum Checkoff Program are actively working to develop value-added markets both domestically and internationally. Recent developments in regard to Chinese orders for sorghum at a total of nearly 6 million bushels of sorghum offer additional cause for optimism.
Producers, educators and seed dealers may contact the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board at (402) 471-4276 or with requests for additional information or resources.