Western Landowners Alliance rocks

In re-reading the July 29 column, Living With Wolves, I was delighted to see Western Landowners Alliance’s conflict reduction work, visit” Upon opening it, and clicking on Resources, I found, among other useful items, Reducing Conflict With Grizzly Bears, Wolves, and Elk. What a marvelous set of tools, presented with stunning photos of riders on horseback, and the animals with which they live.

In the same column, we read that “…wolves will not be happy here with all the people and development…” In fact, wolves need just two things to be happy: adequate prey and human tolerance. Using the tools you’ll find in the resources WLA provides, you can offer that tolerance, and make wolves and yourselves happier.

Colorado has an elk population of 309,000. Most of its 5.9 million people live on the eastern slope. The Southern Rockies eco-region in which most wolves will live in Colorado has 676,084 people, or about 12.1 per square mile, compared to the Northern Rockies ecosystems 1,415,191 people at a density of 12.4 people per square mile.

Any wolf taken from from Idaho or Montana for a new life in Colorado can be thought of as having been rescued, considering the devastating treatment wolves are encountering in Idaho and Montana these days, where lawmakers have relaxed rules about wolf hunting. Idaho now allows private contractors to kill wolves, permits year-round trapping on private land, and allows hunters and trappers to kill unlimited numbers. Montana has increased the number of wolves that can be killed, and Montanans can use bait to lure wolves, as well as use night scopes to hunt them; means not usually allowed for other species.

Native Americans lived harmoniously with wolves for millennia. We can, too.

Bishop, who is from Bozeman, Mont., has studied wolves and wolf recovery both professionally and personally since 1985.


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