Movin’ on to Wyoming

I’m officially a Cheyenne, Wyo., resident as of Friday. But don’t worry I am still the editor of The Fence Post and you can continue to read my weekly rants.
I will miss some things about Colorado like the weather and the scenery and I’ve met a lot of great people there. But there are a lot of things I won’t miss like the traffic and the politics.
Because I’m from North Dakota and lived most of my life there I am not used to driving in big cities and Denver quite frankly scares me. I’m pretty sure that won’t be a problem in Cheyenne, at least not in my lifetime. I did live in Anchorage, Alaska, for a few years, which is the largest city in that state, but it doesn’t come close to the size of Denver.
I am also not happy with all the pressure from animal activists in Colorado dictating how we should live our lives.
Another problem with Colorado is that it is so beautiful and there are so many places to enjoy outdoor activities that it gets overrun by outdoor enthusiasts causing headaches for locals.
I have to say though living in Weld County, Colorado, isn’t like living in the rest of the state. I liked living in a county with many farmers and ranchers, and I was so proud that Weld County decided to take a stance against Proposition 127 that aims to stop lion hunting in the state. That’s why I decided to put it on this week’s opinion page.
I have often thought about returning to North Dakota but the winters can be so brutal.
It is kind of ironic that I landed in Weld County, which I am told is the most conservative county in Colorado. I say that because I great up in Walsh County, North Dakota, which is also considered to be the most conservative county in North Dakota.
One great thing about living in Cheyenne is that my daughter and son-in-law, grandkids and great grandkid all live here and I’m looking forward to spending a lot more time with all of them.
Just because I’m in Cheyenne though doesn’t mean I won’t be traveling back to Greeley, especially during the Colorado Farm Show when I get to visit with so many farmers and ranchers from the area.
Also, Assistant Editor Rachel Gabel lives in Colorado and has her fingers on the pulse of everything agricultural related in the state.
And if you catch me hanging out in Cheyenne, please stop and say hello.