Help for small towns

How is a small town business supposed to remain viable with the competition from larger towns? If that is your question, may have the answers you need. The information provided by Becky McCray and Deb Brown will get the ideas flowing.
Who are these ladies? Becky is from Kansas and is a cattle rancher and owner of a liquor store; in other words she understands the problems of small town commerce as well as those in the beef industry. She created the business of giving ideas to small towns and has extensive knowledge and helpful hints. Deb was the executive director of the Webster City, Iowa, chamber and now puts her ideas out there on her blog When the two women put their two heads together and innovative, inspiring ideas flow.
They explain that small towns across the country struggle with economies and the storekeepers often blame someone else, such as the bigger towns or the big box stores. In truth, stores in these towns could do much to help themselves if they only would. Free and brief informational messages can arrive in your email each business day if you sign up through Links to the past daily messages are also featured so when you jump in it’s easy to gain new ideas and see what has previously been addressed.
On that website readers will find the “Survey of Rural Challenges: What small town people see as their biggest challenges and what topics rural people most want help with.” Surveys were done every other year since 2015 with 2023 the most recent.
For deeper research into a topic, you will find links and extensive information on the website. In other words you can read the daily briefs for inspiration or you can delve more deeply into a scenario for your own education. Ideas on how to attract independent workers, such as computer-based businesses, crafts and arts creators to small towns are listed on the website. Another one is titled, “Why Are You in Business?” That may be an eye opener. There is a primer on switching from a cash register, paper driven record keeping system to an iPad point-of-sale system.
There’s a great article on why business owners, operators, or employees should not park in front of their places of business. It is a mistake to believe that a vehicle with the name of the establishment parked in front is the same as a sign. The spaces need to be used by customers, not workers.
Another point is business personnel need to take a look at the exterior of the building at least once a week. Are the windows dirty? What about the entryway? Those first impressions can make or break an enterprise.
Besides the previously mentioned website, Becky’s own website is that is separate from the biz website. Becky will travel to do seminars and talks, as mentioned on her site.
Take the time to read through the sites and use these interesting resources to your advantage.
Sanders is a national-award winning columnist who writes from the farm in southwest South Dakota. Her internet latchstring is always out at She can be reached through her website at